What happens during our church services?

Music and Worship

Every Sunday, we turn our focus to Jesus Christ.

We want to thank him for the lives we've been given and praise him in every facet of life! 

Biblical Preaching

We use the Bible as the basis for preaching and believe that it is God's Word, which has the power to change lives. 

The Bible is extremely relevant in today's world.


We were not created to live in isolation!
God created fellowship, and His desire is for us to build meaningful relationships. 
Therefore, our church places an emphasis on relationships by ensuring time for coffee and conversation after every service. 

Children's Church

Each Sunday, we offer children's church for kids from infancy up to 5th grade. 
Børn er ligeså meget en del af kirken som de voksne, derfor er det vigtigt for os at dit barn får en god oplevelse af at være i kirke. 

Have you read about our small groups?

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